Bayesian Model Analyses of Media Impact
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Published: 18 March 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
This research has used the Bayesian Method to assess the impact of crime news in television media accurately. Based on Bayesian theory, the served samples of 350 calculated the posterior probability of every indicator, and then, the research of Bayesian SEM (Structural Equation Model) calculated the posterior probability of the multi-indicator comprehensive of crime news and its impact on television assessment. Next, we used the Bayesian graph to assess the Regression weights, Means, Covariances and Variances of every sub system of the posterior probability of the Bayesian formula.
Keywords: Bayesian, SEM, Reach, awareness, probability indicator. Crime News, and Media.

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How to Cite
Ravichandran Kamalakannan. (2019-03-18). "Bayesian Model Analyses of Media Impact." *Volume 1*, 1, 32-42